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ڇا ٻئي قسم کي وڌيڪ قيمتي بڻائي ٿو؟
Model | Variant | Look | Transmission | Fuel Type | Mileage | Difference |
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ٻاهرئين پاسو
اهم خاصيتون
Climate Control with Air Quality Sensor
Led Headlights
Alloy Wheels
Power Tailgate with Kick Sensor
5 seater sedan
100 mm ground clearance
3799 cc engine
نفعو ۽ نقصان
Car/Variant | Pros | Cons |
درجه بندي
The Ferrari-powered sedan ‘Quattroporte’ offers a combination of Italian styling and engaging performance. Apart from this cabin is quite spacious and comfortable with mind numbing features although it requires an update for the new age world.
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